Trade enclosed trailer for sled Beaver dam Wisconsin


TRADE: Trade Enclosed Trailer for Sled
  I have an enclosed goose neck race car trailer that I no longer have a use for. It is approximately 35 feet in length with the goose neck. The trailer has a fold down ramp in the back and a swinging door on the front right side. It is all wired with interior lighting and outlets the generator is not with trailer. It is set up to have an air compressor in the front and there is a hard air line running from front to back with air chucks along the way. No compressor in trailer. It has a winch mounted in the front of the trailer to pull cars in. in the front there is a work area with four upper and lower cabinets. The trailer is red witch is a little faded from the sun. There is a roof rack on top tat was used to haul an extra wing it is strong enough to hold anything you can lift up that high. It is not 100% perfect but it would be great for some one looking to get into racing or to haul ATV, sleds or any other toys you have.
Add Created On: March 23, 2006
Price: $1.00
Location: Beaver dam, WI 53916
Name: Brody
Phone: (in registered members area) It's 100% FREE!

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