2000 yamaha sxr 500 super clean great runner Hampshire Illinois
FOR SALE | : | 2000 Yamaha SXR 500 Super Clean Great Runner |
Anyone looking for a super nice clean 2000 SXR500? A bit over 5K on the speedo. Perfect seat, beautiful track and studs. New carbides. My step-son has run it the past two years. Amazing fast.... stay even with an ACE900 Ski Doo or many 600's on the lake. Handles like a race car. Step Son gets good grades and a graduation present will be a newer snowmobile. $1250 or email: toizrit@comcast.net |
Add Created On | : | September 30, 2018 |
Price | : | $1200.00 |
Location | : | Hampshire, IL 60140 |
Name | : | Jon |
Phone | : | (in registered members area) It's 100% FREE! |
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